Monuments in the Land of Flowers
As the resourceful morning sun approaches our collective awareness from the east, each day, a fresh new cycle of growth and activity stirs all around us. The kaleidoscopic colors that resonate from the clouds, waters, landscapes, people, plants and flowers, animals and insects, leads one towards a wakeful meditation.
And as the sun starts to recess from our awareness, a whole new host of colors, shades and shadows slowly and methodically appear into view, equally as captivating as the approach and yet--somehow unique unto itself.
And with the moon approaching and fading from view along a similar trajectory as the heralding sun, illuminating the night sky in grace and harmony with a chorus of beaming stars, our moments here in our Allodial Estate are blessed and blissful.
We experience various seasonal conditions here in this sub-tropic climate:
From bold heat to mildly warm, cool and even cold temperatures;
From light to torrential downpours of replenishing rain; and
From gentle breezes that rustle leaves and branches to heavy gusts of wind that can leverage trees to the earth.
--all have enhanced rather than thwarted our enthusiasm to travel.
Our Journeys of Appreciation throughout the Territory begin with peaceful and kind resonance. As we rise to stand and search the land for Ancient American Mounds and honoring locations, and then extend each footstep before the next, our thoughts align with the abundant nature of life itself. Each sacred site located is of tremendous importance and like finding a glorious treasure--a precious diamond--that can be held dear in one's heart.
It is important to note that the various Tribes mentioned (and some at times, named and categorized) by “tenured thought” are not the Original Mound Builders. They are those who established their houses and honoring places on top of sacred structures that were built and established far earlier.
While Lillie and I travel, step by step, we observe an environment so awe-inspiring that we sigh with well-deserved gratitude. Our enjoyment includes:
wondrous landscapes covered in emerald green grass and lively colored fallen leaves of green, red, gold and brown;
dark rich fertile soil, white sand, and varied blends between the two;
light shimmering off the surface of coastal waterways, with seaweed and salted foamy tides, sand, and shells;
inland waters, clear and transparent or dark and loaded with tannins;
shade from the generous sun under thick and lustrous hammocks filled with moss draped branches on trees of great diversity and stature;
tall verdant shrubs and thriving plants all reaching and growing towards sunlight with roots stretching and digging into the earth for water and stability;
clean air and sky, bursting with sound, color, and fragrances.
We hope that our journeys to pay homage to the First Nation People of America, and to build awareness of these diamond legacy sites, inspires you to experience them as well. May your Journeys of Appreciation be blissful.