I, Brother Jamal and my kind, lovely Empress Lillie, are Allodial American Nationals, In Full Life and direct descendants of the Ancient Moabites and Canaanites, the First Nation People of the American Continent, The Moroccan Empire.

We are Aboriginal Moors and Heirs to a generous and illustrious Estate. We are lovers of the land, sea and sky and we inherited the moral obligation to care for our American Continent to include all the adjoining Islands and beyond. We thoroughly enjoy traveling our Nation’s wonderful, natural habitat and we are inspired to see our Family, share and journey in kindness.

Over the years, we began to document our journeys in writings, artistic renders, video, pictographs, music and audio. Eventually, we amassed such an extensive database worthy of sharing that we were compelled to do so.

It is our sincerest hope that this offering inspires you to share in the spirit of peace and thoughtfulness.